Lifting truck with coregripper

Efficient role manipulation

Technical specifications

Compact lift truck with Coregripper
Lifting capacity40 - 250kg
Battery2 x 12V 7Ah
Lifting speed fast0.1 m/s
Lifting speed slow0.05m/s
Mast heightOn request
Front wheelsSwivel

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The coregripper is the tool of choice for roll handling

The lift truck with coregripper is a common sight and a valuable partner in countless packaging departments around the world.

It is a compact solution that can handle different types of rolls without any difficulty. Large, small, heavy, light, fragile. This lift truck can do it all.

The great advantage of the lift truck with coregripper is the tool itself.

It is capable of taking rolls in both horizontal and vertical positions. In addition, it can also tilt the reels if necessary.

Electric drive ensures ease of use

The lift truck itself has an electric drive. The battery is compact, efficient and also very easy to remove and change. All this makes the Lifting Trolley very user-friendly and easy to maintain.

Thanks to the electric drive, the lift truck with coregripper lifts, lowers and stops very precisely. This makes it an ideal solution for mounting rolls on or in a packaging machine.

To help with this, the construction of the machine is also very compact. Many packaging departments do not have much space because the machines take up a lot of room.

For this, it is very important that the lifting device is compact in order to be able to manoeuvre, not only between the machines, but also to reach into the packaging machines themselves.

The lifting truck with coregripper has a flexible construction

This compact lift truck is also modular in nature, allowing you to easily adapt it to the situation.

The lifting device works with a simple click system on which you can mount different tools in no time.

There are already various tools in the range for manipulating different goods. You can equip the lift truck with a spear for rolls, a platform for parts or bags or this coregripper for lifting and tilting drums and rolls and much more. And all that within a minute.

And don't forget the safety

Safety is not compromised either. Several safety features are included as standard on this compact lift truck with coregripper. The most important feature is the mechanism that ensures the lifter stops immediately if the lifted good touches something.

This prevents the lift truck with coregripper from tipping over and also does not damage anything that happens to be in its way.

coregripper rolls

Better ergonomics for our technicians

"Logitrans showed a lot of flexibility to build a custom-made elevator. Thanks to Logitrans, the ergonomics for our technicians during maintenance has improved and we have a device that is compact, which makes moving between machines very easy." 

- On Semiconductor Belgium