Operator works with Tawi compact lift truck to move heavy rolls in Clarebout

Simple film roll handling for Clarebout

Investing in the health and well-being of employees

Clarebout proves how much importance they attach to the well-being of their staff. The well-known producer of potato products decided to optimise their workplace ergonomically. Ergonomic lifting solutions were implemented throughout different departments to handle large and especially heavy rolls.

These rolls easily weigh 80kg and have to be lifted from a pallet to be mounted on a packaging machine. By teaming up with Logitrans, this difficult job can be done by one operator without physical strain.

One person can effortlessly lift and transport rolls of 80 kg

These rolls of film are stacked vertically on pallets in two layers. During the packaging process, the operators initially had to lift and tilt these manually. They were then transported to the packaging machine on which they were mounted.

Of course, few people are capable of handling an 80 kg roll on their own. So ergonomics not only saves the operators, it also requires fewer operators to perform the same task.

Optimised workflow and ergonomics

After consultation with Clarebout, the decision was made to combine two TAWi lift systems to provide a total solution. Handling these heavy rolls is now done ergonomically, safely and much more efficiently.

A compact lift truck is used to lift the rolls from the pallets and tilt them. It then hands the roll over to another lift truck which will transport the roll. This truck can also bring the roll to the right height so that it can be directly mounted on the packaging machine.

TAWI's two lift systems work together seamlessly to ensure a time-saving and ergonomic workflow.

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