
The pallet rotator at work at Deknudt

Who is Deknudt Mirrors?

Deknudt Mirrors is a Belgian family company that exudes quality as a premium mirror manufacturer. Since 1946 they are the producer for precisely manufactured mirrors for fantastic interiors. Deknudt Mirrors Works develops bathroom mirrors for manufacturers of bathroom cabinets worldwide! The main theme of their story has remained the same throughout the generations: offering the customer a fresh, eye-catching and quality mirror.

Did you know that Deknudt is a producer of the future? They are environmentally conscious and always looking for ways to reduce their ecological footprint. Interested? Feel free to visit their website by a simple click on this link

The manual load in the production was ready for action

The workers used to have to tilt the different types of double-sided mirrors and put them in boxes. The mirrors are heavy and extremely fragile, so packing had to be done carefully. This required a 90° rotation, which put too much strain on the backs of the workers. Not only the weight of the repetitive work, but also the way of tilting and sliding the mirrors into the packaging caused back strain.

The best Logitrans solution

In 2016 Deknudt decided to look for a solution. During this search they came across Logitrans.

The obvious solution came in the form of the Logitrans pallet rotator. The rotator lifts the box to an ergonomic working height, after which the operator himself decides to what extent the box can be tilted. This solution not only solved the ergonomic lifting problem, it also gave a boost to efficiency and productivity. 

Customer experience

Breaking habits remains difficult; in the beginning, both management and operators were sceptical about the solution offered. Nevertheless, they decided to give it a chance and purchased one device. Soon all prejudices melted away like snow in the sun.

The beginning of excellent cooperation

It is now 2022 and the production is equipped with four rotators that ease the work of the operators.

 "The rotators cannot be missed today. It not only gives us better ergonomics for the task, but also more efficiency. It only convinces us more of the value of investing in ergonomics. Our employees are the basis of our success".

Do you also experience a problem that employees or yourself have a strained back after a working day, because the packaging is not at your height? Please contact us here !

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